The Day the Earth Froze |
Our MST 3K Spotlight this time is THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE. This episode is a must have for MST tape collectors and a great introduction for MST newbies. It's a harvest of rich, bountiful quips and is one of our favorite Joel shows. The episode starts off with a short called "Here Comes the Circus". Or as Crow aptly puts it, "Here comes the devil!" This short is so full of disturbing imagery! I wonder how the producers ever thought this might appeal to children as some sort of magical, whimsical film about the circus. If you have a fear of clowns, DO NOT WATCH THIS SHORT!! The film, The Day the Earth Froze, is a Russo-Finnish, legend-laden story about log surfer named Lemmankinan. He falls in love with beautiful Annakie and she is kidnapped by the evil witch who holds her hostage in an attempt to get Annakie's brother to make her a sampo. A sampo produces gold, grain, and salt. I think the demo version just makes grain and salt, but you have to pay extra to unlock the gold feature. Anyway, it all works out in the end when Lemmankinan's village attacks the witch with an army of elementary school music teachers playing the autoharp. If you haven't seen this episode yet, SEE IT! The ins and outs are great. From the Unhappy Meals to Tom and Crow's wind bags, you'll laugh straight through it. Help yourself to our collection of images and sounds, taken from this great episode, in our downloads section.
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